International work
Many young doctors once had a dream of going abroad to help people less fortunate
than themselves. Somewhere in between trainee courses, children, student loans and
the frustration of never finding a suitable project or organization, that dream was in
many cases forgotten.
Our idea is to create a network of trainees who have been working abroad and can share
information on their working places, experiences, ongoing research projects etc. with
trainees who want to go abroad to work. By doing that we hope more trainees will be
able to realize their dream of practicing medicine in a foreign country. In addition to that
we hope to increase the numbers of aid workers and to achieve a more consistent aid in
places where it is really needed.
Below you find stories by trainees. They have all accepted direct contact, so if you are
interested in knowing more about specific placements do not hesitate to contact that
If you have been abroad working and want to share your story, or if you know someone
else who has, we are very happy to receive an email from you.
Maternity unit at Mnazi Moja Referral Hospital (MMH), Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Haydom, Mbulu District, Tanzania
Mosvold Hospital, Ingwavuma, South Africa