Clinical Guidelines and Nordic Collaboration presented by NFOG.
The aim of this NFOG initiative is to increase the availability, quality, and impact of clinical guidelines.
More information about NFOG guidelines
Obstetric Guidelines
- Swedish recommendations for the management in week 41 of pregnancy (41+0-41+6), November 2021 2021 Sweden
- Breech delivery and external cephalic version. 2020 Oxford Denmark
- Summary of the clinical recommendations regarding the use of intrapartum ultrasound 2020 Oxford Denmark
- Magnesium sulfate as neuroprotection in preterm birth 2020 Oxford Denmark
- Twin delivery 2020 Oxford Denmark
- Medications for pain relief during active phase of labour 2020 Oxford Denmark
- Tobacco and pregnancy 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASIS) 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Group B streptococci during pregnancy 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Urological diseases and pregnancy 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Chronic renal diseases and pregnancy 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Preterm fetal monitoring 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Progesterone for prevention of preterm birth -NORDIC guideline 2019 GRADE NFOG
- Intrapartum fever 2019 Oxford Denmark
- Cerclage and Cerclage (Arabin)-pessary 2018 Oxford Denmark
- Velamentous Cord Insertion and Vasa Previa 2018 Denmark
- Biological medicine and pregnancy: Clinical recommendations 2018 Oxford Denmark
- Vaginal seeding 2018 Denmark
- Fever during labor 2018 Oxford Denmark
- Antenatal corticosteroid 2018 Oxford Denmark
- Varicella zoster virus and pregnancy 2018 Oxford Denmark
- Underweight – pregnant women with low BMI (<18,5 kg/m2) before pregnancy 2018 Denmark
- Activity restriction for prevention of preterm birth 2017 Denmark
- Indomethacin and pregnancy 2017 Denmark
- How to deliver the preterm pregnant woman 2017 GRADE Denmark
- Obesity in pregnancy – Sandbjerg 2017 2017 Oxford Denmark
- Pregnancy after bariatric surgery 2017 Oxford Denmark
- Anaemia and iron deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum 2016 GRADE Denmark
- Antenatal corticosteroid treatment for lung maturation 2016 GRADE Denmark
- Induktion av förlossning 2016 GRADE Sweden
- Intrauterine growth restriction 2016 Norway
- Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for trisomy 13, 18 and 21 2016 GRADE Sweden
- Polyhydramnios in singleton pregnancies 2016 Oxford Denmark
- Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (updated feb 2019) 2015 GRADE Denmark
- Cancer in pregnancy 2015 Oxford Denmark
- Cesarean delivery at term Technique, pre- and postoperative issues 2015 GRADE Denmark
- Dystocia (Primiparous women with lack of progress) 2015 GRADE Denmark
- Fetal sex determination by ultrasound 2015 peer reviewed Denmark
- Medication use during pregnancy and lactation 2015 Norway
- Monitoring of pregnancies at beyond 41+0 weeks of gestation 2015 Oxford Denmark
- Nitric oxide sub partu: safety and efficacy 2015 peer reviewed Denmark
- Operative vaginal delivery 2015 peer reviewed Denmark
- Prevention of obstetric anal sphincter injuries 2015 Oxford Denmark
- Single umbilical artery 2015 Oxford Denmark
- Thromboprophylaxis in IVF 2015 GRADE Sweden
- Alcohol, smoking, and illegal substance/drug abuse during pregnancy 2014 Norway
- Antenatal care 2014 Oxford (adapted) Norway
- Augmentation of labour 2014 Norway
- Depression during pregnancy and lactation 2014 Norway
- Door-step cardiotocography 2014 Oxford Denmark
- Female genital mutilation 2014 Norway
- Group B streptococcus in pregnancy and delivery 2014 Oxford (adapted) Norway
- Hyperemesis 2014 Oxford (adapted) Norway
- Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and eclampsia 2014 Norway
- Pelvic girdle pain 2014 Norway
- Placenta 2014 Norway
- Prenatal diagnostics 2014 Norway
- Small for Gestational age (SGA) 2014 Oxford Denmark
- Thyroid Disease in the Perinatal Period 2014 GRADE Sweden
- Gestational diabetes 2013 Finland
- Preterm birth 2011 Finland
- Fetal Growth restriction (FGR) Denmark
- Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)
Gynecology Guidelines
- Gynecologic Fistula 2017 Norway
- Postmenopausal bleeding 2017 Norway
- Sexual dysfunctions 2017 Norway
- Intrapartum fetal surveillance – Indications 2017 Denmark
- Menopause and hormone therapy 2017 GRADE Denmark
- Contraception 2016 Finland
- Endometrial polyps 2015 Norway
- Ectopic pregnancy 2014 Finland
- Induced abortion 2013 Finland
- Ovarian cancer 2012 Finland