AOGS now offers the ”first-paper-package” for PhD students. The first-paper-package is designed for PhD candidates formally registered with a university, who are submitting their first original research article that is meant to be part of their future doctoral thesis.
AOGS will need a letter from your supervisor confirming your registration as a PhD student and the first-paper status at the time of submission of your manuscript for inclusion in this category.
At AOGS we especially value the development of the next generation of researchers and clinical academics. In order to facilitate the first submission to eventually become a published paper, we have developed a specific first-paper-package deal:
- A prioritised review process. The submitted manuscript is guaranteed to receive an external peer-review. Additionally, the manuscript will also undergo in-house review by an editorial board member. All this is designed to improve the paper to its very best and thus increasing its quality and impact, thereby aiding the future PhD defence.
- An optional interview published on the AOGS website. The AOGS website platform is already regularly publishing interviews with outstanding and well-known researchers. As part of the first-paper-package a short interview with the PhD candidate authoring an accepted article may be published on the AOGS website along with a photograph. This is a great way to establish yourself as a young upcoming researcher within the field.
- A chance to win the first-paper-prize. Among all accepted articles in this category, the best manuscript will be awarded the first-paper-prize of 2500 DKK. The prize will be awarded biannually at the NFOG congress and announced on the AOGS website.
The first-paper-package deal is a special service designed to encourage and help PhD candidates in the very beginning of their scientific career. However, it should not be seen as a guarantee for ultimately having your manuscript published in AOGS, as we will still judge the manuscript based on the same criteria as all other submissions. There is also no obligation to submit subsequent manuscripts of your PhD project to AOGS, but you are welcome to do so.