The seminar is open for medical doctors, pharmacists, midwifes, public health nurses, and others with an interest for contraception living in the Nordic countries.
When: November 9-10, 2017
Where: Scandic Ishavshotel, Tromsø, Norway
Click here to register
Registration deadline: 30. september 2017
Registration will be confirmed when payment of seminar fee are credited the university account given in the invoice.
Seminar fee
Seminar fee: Nok 4200.- which covers participation, 4 coffee breaks, 2 lunches and dinner Thursday night (hotel not included). Day packages not available.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Gerd Sissel Furumo
Organized by
- Department surgery, cancer and womens’ health, University hospital of Northern Norway
- Institute of community medicine, UiT The arctic university of Norway
Local organizing committee
Ingard Nilsen, MD, Head, Unit of womens’ health, Dep. Surgery, cancer and womens’ health, University hospital of Northern Norway, Tromsø
Finn Egil Skjeldestad, MD, Institute of community medicine, UiT The arctic university of Norway
Gerd Furumo, Institute of community medicine, UiT The arctic university of Norway
There is place in the program for 3-4 free communications. There is free place for posters.